Can’t do this

I have PPD and I don’t get seen by a therapist until January. That’s the earliest they could get me in. I’m having such a hard time right now tho. I cry so much, I’m so sensitive, I get irritable really fast, I scream and yell a lot. I’m just over it. My husband and I fight a lot because I get irritable so easy and so fast. When my daughter is literally screaming her head off I get irritated and angry because nothing I do soothes her half the time and it causes me to cover her mouth with my hand to stop the screaming for just a second. I was doing fine on not covering her mouth and now I’m back to doing it again. I don’t want to hurt her I just want the screaming to stop for a second because it is so loud and high pitched that it hurts my eardrums. I feel so awful for doing it that I cry afterwards and wanna just be done because she doesn’t deserve it or me for that matter. I’m so scared she’s gonna remember me being like that and end up hating me.. I’m just having such a hard time right now...