What would you do?


Your 4 yo shares a bedroom with your 7 month old. Your 7 month old sleeps great through the night. But your toddler loves to randomly yell "mommyyy I love you I need a kiss and a cuddlleeee" at 1am stirring up the baby from his sleep. Wth do you do? Caught between the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> aspect and the " you musnt be shouting so late at night " drill. What would you do? Also this isn't a 1 off he does things like this randomly- the other morning he decided it was time to change his clothes and sing at 3am.... He isn't attention deprived either- we are always playing or doing something with him. And he isn't very jealous of the baby. If anything he seems very protective, nurturing and loving towards him- has been like this from the beginning.