He’s too sweet 🥰🥰❤️❤️

Megan • Ectopic pregnancy 03.01.17, 🌈👶🏼 Iziah 09.21.18, medical assistant, miscarriage 12.31.20 👼🏼

So my fiancé proposed to me in July of this year and recently my ring broke. I work in the medical field and i was working on a patient and smashed my hand into a machine (I’m accident prone) and the ring broke 😭😭. I was devastated and trying to figure out how I’m gonna tell him because it was expensive and my dumb self just freaking busted it. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ well I told him this morning and I literally cried y’all like I bawled like a baby. And he hugged me kissed my forehead and told me he will just get it fixed there’s a warranty on it. Well fast forward to this afternoon. I’m at work and he comes in and hands me a box with these earrings in it I asked why and he said you were so upset over the ring and I knew it was going to bother you all day long. I wanted to buy you something so you know it’s ok and I love your accident prone self. I literally don’t deserve this man. 😩😩❤️❤️