Wtf?!?! **LAST UPDATE**

Okay, I’m flipping out! I haven’t received my period on time AS PREDICTED and I have been patiently waiting! As you can see I screenshot October, November, And NOW DECEMBER! I am late by 2 days going on 3 where I am located in the world. I have been having protected sex and am not on birth control. If I had my scares of my bf cumin in me I would take Plan B. Am I late?? I am always either early or on time of my average cycle 28 days! Freaking OUT

This one is December as well^^

AND YES! I track my cycle off 2 APPS. As you can see My cycle is never late.

Does anyone know what is happening to me?? Should I just take a pregnancy test or wait???!

Am I pregnant????


So ladies, thank you for caring! It’s now day 4 of my missed period. I think Plan B did mess up my cycle along with a ton of stress! so from now on BC it is!

I took a pregnancy test and here are the results...





Clear as day. honestly I was getting excited to be pregnant but I’m safe y’all.


Okay... I’m 6 days late, I don’t know what’s going on.

I had a doctors visit after my negative home test and tested negative on their end too..

(so LOL to the one who made me double look at my pregnancy test picture, you got me 😂 not pregnant tho)

Doctor still insist on getting me a pregnancy blood test done to determine pregnancy out of the question.

I will be back to update on that.






Hey everyone, I went to get my blood test on the 2nd and haven’t received a call from my doctor. On the 7th I can check my results online, so I will be waiting on that. I’m also getting on BC but my doctor can’t prescribe me any until she knows I’m not pregnant..

I am currently 12 days late on this app and on my second <a href="">period tracker</a> I am 10 days.. (don’t know how that works out) I’m kinda bummed out 😞... I don’t know what’s Happening to my body and I more than ever just want an answer, btw this hasn’t happened to me on any emergency contraceptive EVER! I always get my regular period. So still freaking out!

I have noticed some different symptoms: dizziness, I’m an emotional rollercoaster (I can cry for no reason which has never happened to me), Nauseous after a meal, and feeling more sleepy/tired and (TMI) —I have been having lots of discharge and it looks thin, sticky, milky white. I will UPDATE once I get my results. THANK YOU for keeping me at ease and sharing your experiences, it does help to see if I’m going through the same thing. Also, I took a digital pregnancy test on 1/4/20 ( of being late 10 days on this app & late 8 on the other) here are the results...










I’m lost for words..

these are my blood test results..

Now that I’m 13 days late on this app & 11 on the other I’m beyond confused.. I was really looking forward to being pregnant but now I’m left clueless.. I’ve never missed my period like this without BC.. I’m perfectly healthy. If I go another month without my period, I will be doing another pregnancy test. I also got my blood test done on day 8 of missed period.

This is what is freaking me out ^^

Maybe Plan B delayed my period or maybe it made me ovulate late in the month. I also strongly agree with one of you ladies named

“🌻🌻🌻🌻” who got a positive at 16wks after getting a negative at 8 days late, I never knew you could get a late positive that far along.

I will keep you updated on any news. Thank you for checking back on updates.







***** FINAL UPDATE *****

Me praying “If I get my period I’ll stay on Birth control, never take Plan B, & never have sex again.” Lol

Good news is I finally got it Yesterday! January, 9th 2020

Sorry I couldn’t update you sooner but After 44 days of being late, I finally got it!

I’m beyond glad and relieved I got an answer from my cycle! Lol.

Let me tell you (TMI) My period is letting me have it all. I’ve never bled this much in my life! Constantly changing tampons. The pain is so real, I had to lay down the entire day due to the pain.

I already set my appointment with my Doctor for BC.

And to everyone who kept up to date with me and all those with positive energy and experiences/advice BIGGEST THANK YOU!!!

This is where our journey ends and hopefully This post can help anyone going through the same get some sort of relief with all of our experiences or at least some sort of answer. After all, we all freak out when our periods are super late (at least I do)

Some of you might think I’m stupid, but I know how my body works and this is a first I’ve ever been late.

Glad I had you ladies to give me some closure.

-Thank you.