I’m never in the mood for sex anymore... why?!

Ive been married for 3 years and me and mu husband always had a great sex life up up until the past year. We would have sex pretty often for the 1st year and since hes in the military he was deployed for one year so we couldnt have sex obviously. now that hes back and we live together, strangely enough I dont really want to have sex anymore. I love cuddling but he really only likes to cuddle after sex. He also wants sex everyday and will literally finger me and wake me up throughout the night even when I tell him to stop. He’s fingered me so much when I dont want him to that I actually kinda hate being fingered at all now :/ Some days I’ll just end up giving in because he’ll act rude if I dont. I get that I need to have sex with him at least once a week because were married and what not, but even when We try foreplay and I just cant work up the mood. It dosent help that sometimes when I am in the mood and it starts hurting during certain posistions... also Ive slowly been turned off by his kissing because now it just feels like he kisses me only to have sex, which is something i dont want. I still love him a lot and love being around him (except when hes fingering excessively) but what if im growing unattracted to him?!?! Im tired of just having sex to please him, i want to get back to actually enjoying it.