can get careful on plan b

I wanted to share my sister and mils stories. Though its rare, you can get pregnant anytime anyway. Having sex can equal pregnancy at anypoint.

My MIL has 6 kids, 2 she gave up for adoption at young young age. The first was concieved on condoms. The second in the middle of her period. She stopped having sex for 8 years (being a very young teen it was a good idea anyway). Got married didnt want kids. Had 2 on 2 forms of bc. Had 1 on rythem method. Said fuck it and had a 4th. All but 1 was a very unlikely conception.

My sil had 2 on bc. One on the shot, one on the pill. One was planned. Again. Shouldnt be likely.

I try hard and struggle lol. Probably should have had an oops, didnt.

So young ladies, grown ladies, yes it can happen at anytime so be as prepared as possible. And plan b only works if you 100% know your ovulation time. It used strong progesterione to tell your body not to release an egg. So if you use it, make sure you know your cycles as it can actually enhance a pregnancy.

Overall be safe, its always your choice. Your choice to be active. Your choice to be pregnant. Your choice what you do after. And its unfair, and heavy sometimes. Love you all.

*yes she was religious with her pill after having to give up one child already. And her husband was abusive she really didnt want kids. Yes the shot was on time, i actually reminded her since we were on the same pattern. Our kids were 2 mos apart.