
I had my period for the first time in almost 2 years about a month ago. I didn’t get it after giving birth because I breastfed and I still breastfeed. When I had it last month I had mild cramping and very light spotting all week long. (I took a pregnancy test then because it was so light and it was negative). I’m on Mylan which is a low dose birth control that does not contain estrogen because as I mentioned, I’m still breastfeeding. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex about 6 days before I was supposed to get my period again. (I’m not overly concerned about getting pregnant again as we’re both adults with careers) However, he finished inside of me, and my period didn’t come when it was supposed to and still hasn’t. I had all the symptoms: acne, fatigue, mild cramping, mood changes, but it never came. My period is now six days late and last night I started cramping again and it’s lasted all the way in to this morning. For the last week I’ve had an increased amount of white cm and have also been extremely nauseous with food aversions. I’ve also had headaches and have been ridiculously tired, like no matter how much sleep I get it’s not enough. My sex drive has been through the roof and I feel like I’m constantly turned on. It’s now been 12 days since I had sex and I was pretty late in my cycle I thought for there to be a chance of pregnancy: I took a clear blue digital test this morning and it came out negative but I’m not sure if it’s still a little early for that to pick it up.

What are your thoughts?

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