Awake 11:30pm-1:30am!

Caitlin • ❤️❤️❤️

My baby has been sleep trained and sleeps amazing, 6:30pm-6:30am literally every single night. Sometimes she will cry for like a second then find her pacifier and she goes back to sleep. Not last night, she’s been cranky during the day very needy and wanting to be held or sitting in front of me. Then last night she woke up at 11:30 screeeeaming it wasn’t a normal sleep cry so I went in and got her she wouldn’t calm down she just kept screaming. So I changed her diaper tried to rock again- same thing. Then walked around the house that helped a little but the second i put her back in her crib she began screaming Crying. Finally she calmed down and went to sleep again around 1;30. I didn’t do anything special just put her back in her crib and walked out for a minute again.

But wtf! Sleep regression maybe?Ear infection? Fluke? She doesn’t have a fever or stuffy nose or anything. Ugh the struggle