Positive & Negative Tests?

Okay mommas, I need advice!

When I found out I was pregnant with my baby girl, I took one digital test and it came back positive. I didn’t test again and it was on the day I should have started my period.

Well, yesterday I took a normal first response and there was an obvious faint line.

I took a digital yesterday at lunch to confirm and it was negative. So, I took another one first thing this morning and it was also negative!!!

I’m 3 days late. I haven’t had many period symptoms, I’ve had some pain in my ribs, and my tummy is twitching a lot. Similarly to the feeling of kicks (I know it’s not kicks, that’s just the closest way I can describe the feeling)

What do you guys think?

I’m thinking if I don’t get my period by Monday I should make an OB appointment.