Really disappointed but also confused!

Nicole • Son from previous marriage, trying for baby #2 with fiancee`
I started day early, had some excruciating hip and lower back cramps. My flow was faint and pink but then it darkened and increased a lot throughout the day. Day two it was barely there and today already barely there and it is a peculiar color of like orange. I had a mucusey discharge and bright red droplet. I napped a good wlamount of time and couldn't keep my eyes open. My crampy side, no uterus cramping ceased up after a good 4 hrs or so. And my bloating went away. While I was maybe aunt flowing on Thursday I noticed my cervix was not low like it usually is too. What do you think girls, not a period and we hit conception and implantation maybe? Guess won't know til after this month on Halloween when I've decided I will retest bc I want to be sure.