I have noticed something and I have never thought about this before.....


I know that this may seem incredibly obvious to some people and I may seem dumb or whatever but I have noticed something that has pretty much made me rethink my entire life so far.

Life is way too short......

We all spend so much time worrying about things that will never happen and letting ourselves become ill with stress whereas we should be focusing less on the negatives and more on the positives. I know it is easier said than done as it was only a month a go that I was contemplating suicide but I have managed to find ways to make myself comfortable and I have kept my mind active on the things that actually matter. We all judge ourselves and beat ourselves up from time to time and we shouldn’t. Life is way too short to worry about what is going to happen and worry about what people think of us and what we think of ourselves because any day could be your last so you need to love the life you have because it is unique to you despite the shit that you may be going through.

You’re a beautiful person, you need to learn to love yourself before it is too late.