Anyone else’s cycle like this?

So long story short, I have hypothyroidism but I’ve always had regular cycles. The last time my cycle went out of whack was after my first miscarriage in February. I started medicine and everything was fine. Well I had my second miscarriage in September and my cycle was normal and I had my blood checked and it was normal. But as of today I am 12 days late. I could have not ovulated as I took ovulation tests and didn’t get a positive but I quit taking them halfway through my cycle because I got discouraged. I may have ovulated late too. Here’s what my chart looks like right now. I didn’t ovulate when glow said I ovulated. I know that for a fact as I took an opk and it was negative and I usually get good positives. I had some spotting the 25th but it was super light pink so I put a tampon in thinking my period was coming. I took the tampon out and the picture below is what it looked like after about 5 hours or so and I didn’t have anything else until the 27th which was also very little and pictured below. I have not had anymore spotting. I took a pregnancy test the 26th with one of the cheapie Walmart tests and didn’t see anything. I’m just wondering what you guys would do! I called my doctor and the earliest appointment she has is January 13th to make sure my levels are okay, so I’m just waiting until then. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is a lot of cramping but not like period cramping. It’s hard to describe!