
Ladies I am kind of worried now and want to ask you all a question. Yesterday I took a couple of pregnancy tests and they were negative, I know that 7 dpo is early but I took the test anyway and since it was negative I figured that It didnt happen this month so I went to the liquor store with my brothers girlfriend and I bought a 6 pack of Budweiser. I only drink occasionally and this was the first time in a while I had drank. I came home and drank 2 beers. I decided to test today just to see what happened and I expected a negative because I just felt like I was out this month however I got what appears to be a very faint line. I had a chemical last cycle so now I am worried. Obviously I will not be drinking the other 4 beers left out of the 6 pack but do you all think that the 2 beers I did drink will harm anything.