Am I overreacting?

Katherine • Mother of two beautiful twin babies 🌈 😊

Hey. This is about my husband again. Last night he was drunk and I was talking to him about cutting back on the drinking and being a better father. He tried to turn it on me saying that he never wanted to be a father and called our twins a mistake. I was so upset at this comment and yelled at him. He quickly apologized and I can tell he’s trying harder to be a better father but I feel he’s only doing it for me and not for our kids. I don’t believe he truly feels this way because as I said he was drunk and he says stupid things like that. I can’t stop thinking about it but I don’t want to keep bringing it up because he’s getting slightly better and I don’t want to ruin it. Am I overreacting about his statement or should I leave it alone and let him be the father he’s trying to be?