My mum doesn’t bother with me..

Let me start by saying I’m not here to bash my mum just to look for ways to help me get her to make more effort with me

My mum is amazing, she’s there when I need advice/someone to talk to on the phone etc. Her and my dad are divorced (long story) and she lives 45 mins drive from me.

I don’t like her living on her own so I go to visit her often. She doesn’t have any friends where she lives and I’ve tried so many times to get her to move closer to me, she said no. Her job isn’t something she can’t quit (she only works 3.5hrs a day). She gets monthly allowance from my sister and I so she’ll be ok to quit while she looks for another job. I want her to move closer because she lives in a rough area which I don’t like and I just want to be able to see her more often and not stress about the drive.

She just is very set in her own ways and doesn’t want to do things that’s not convenient for her. My husband and I bought our house 4 years ago, she’s visited me twice. First time she came was because I literally forced her as my inlaws kept asking why she hadn’t visited yet 2 years into buying our house and second time she came because I had a major operation. She doesn’t drive so I get it, but I always offer to pick her up to come spend a weekend with me or even a day and she says no. She never wants to go out to do mother/daughter things. I’d never make my mum pay when we are out so she knows she doesn’t have to worry about money yet she still say no.

My mum is honestly nice but I just feel she doesn’t make as much effort with me in terms of seeing me but always happy to take things from me. I’ve spoken to her several times about how I feel but she just says you’re know I don’t like going out’.

How can I make her see sense? I don’t want to cut her off but happy to make changes to help her realise we need time together.