Comcerned...what is this? **Graphic Photo**


I had 3 pregnancy tests show faint positives, was several days late for period and then it came and on the second day I passed this in the picture below. Is this miscarriage tissue or normal uterine lining? I've been TTC for 6 years, no known problems other than controlled type 2 diabetes (my A1C is now in the VERY normal range and blood sugars are controlled and always normal and take Metformin as prescribed) a very mild case of PCOS, I have normal 31 day cycles with usually 3 to 4 days of bleeding. I have tried clomid with no success for 4 cycles. Have tried several supplements and vitamins and I am ovulating regularly. Hubby has tested fine for sperm! What else can I do and what is this that came out of me? Any suggestions and or recommendations would be greatly appreciated and baby dust to all. I have 3 healthy children, 2 of them were natural identical twins.