Pregnant after a miscarriage and Birth of twins.

Bethany • Happily Married💍👫. First baby is in heaven👼. Momma to 2 boys 🧒🧒. Pregnant🤰with baby girl 👶.

I can't believe that I'm saying this but here we go again. Recently I had twin boys and I have not been feeling well. I have been nauseous and I got into the Doctor's office today and they did a sonogram and I got blood tests done. My HCG levels are through the roof. I know that it's so close but I'm pregnant again.


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This little one is a surprise blessing from God. I am currently 3 weeks and 6 days which is very early on but I'm excited. I am experiencing things earlier in this pregnancy than in my last pregnancy. All three of my living children will be close in age. I was shocked when I saw that little one on the screen but I am happy to know that I'm not feeling well for a good reason. I can't wait to tell my husband. My father in law knows but no one else does. I plan on waiting until Tuesday to announce this to my family including my husband because he didn't know that I went to the Doctor today. I want to surprise everyone and I know that my husband loves surprises.

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Congratulations.. I pray you a healthy wonderful pregnancy..😊


Lededra D • Dec 29, 2019
I'll be praying for and with you chick..


Bethany • Dec 29, 2019
I just hope that this pregnancy is not as rough as my previous pregnancy. A lot of stuff happened during my last pregnancy including my mil going to jail because she tried to hurt me and my boys.


Lededra D • Dec 29, 2019
Youre welcome


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Bethany • Dec 29, 2019
Thank you.