Adult acne


I’ve had bad acne since my teenage years and I’ve tried everything to get rid of it. I went to a dermatologist about 5 years ago and it got slightly better from the prescribed topical creams she gave me. Still, overall, my acne is still going strong. It’s worse than most teenagers and it does a lot of damage on my confidence. I worry people respect me less as I look young and like I don’t care about myself. I just want it to go away already.

For several months this past year, while I was with my now ex bf, my skin really started to clear up. I was amazed! I could go to sleep without washing my face and I wouldn’t even break out! I thought my acne was finally gone.

We broke up and my acne came back with a vengeance soon after. I realized it was probably the birth control pills that cleared up my acne. Once I stopped taking the pills, my acne came back. So, now I know my acne is probably hormone related (not just dirty face/oily skin).

I’m considering going back on birth control just to get a clearer skin. However, I really do not like birth control pills... is there’s any other effective alternative that can help hormonal acne? I’ve heard something about diets eliminating dairy? And Does anyone have similar experiences to draw from about how they cleared their acne?