Worried at 10 weeks, baby #4


I've found the heartbeat at 8+5 and have heard it a few times since then. Last time I heard it was at 9+4 . On Thursday I turned 10 weeks and wanted to listen to the baby's heartbeat. I tried and tried and couldn't find it. I tried a few times that day. Then again on Friday and then again tonight. Im starting to get very worried. This has never happened with my other pregnancies. I've always found the heartbeat pretty easily after 9 weeks. I'm worried the baby might have died. What should I do? Maybe to call my doctor and ask for a ultrasound? Anyone ever experienced this and baby was ok?

Update: so I think my Doppler might be broken. It's getting very staticy. It is alos 5 years old so I will purchase a new Doppler and hopefully the new one can pick up baby's heartbeat. ❤️💗