Sweet Baby Layleianah


So, when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter I was 100% determined that I would have her naturally. No medication. No induction. Just the natural way! I researched different techniques; I watched numerous videos. I even hired a doula. I was so confident and spoke so much affirmations that I was actually excited about the birth and what to expect. I have a son; he is four but I had a totally different experience with him. Anyways, my due date for baby girl was 12/20. In September I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. I ended up having to be on 1500mg of metformin and when November hit I was seeing my gestational diabetes doctor once a week and my obgyn once a week. So twice a week I was going back and forth to the doctor. My obgyn was aware of my natrual delivery and she was very supportive. The plan was to induce me 12/17 just because of the gestational diabetes and they didn’t want me to carry her full term. On 12/2 I went to my GD doctor and they the did the routine ultrasound and she was 7lbs 10ounces. I went to my obgyn on 12/5 and I was 2cms dilated and I was 50% effaced. I really did not want to be induced. I wanted her to come in her own. I was walking and bouncing on the ball every night. Friday 12/6 I went to the store after work and I was having contractions but very spread out and random. On 12/7 @345am my contractions were 10 minutes apart and I started timing them. At first I could sleep through them then they became a little bit more noticeable and consistent. I got out the bed and laid on the couch and tried to get comfortable. At about 730 they were 6/7 minutes apart and lasting about 30 seconds per contraction. I took a hot bath. I bounced on the ball. I rocked back and forth on all fours in my bed. The contractions were getting stronger and lasting a lot longer. About 930 I couldn’t talk and I could barely walk. My contractions were 5 minutes apart and last 60 seconds. So I called my mom and she came to take me to the hospital. My mother in law came and got my son. My doula met me and my mom at the hospital. We get there at about 10; they check me in at 1020 and call me back. At 1030 my water broke and I was 6 1/2cms and the pain was excruciating. My doula was great and was really trying to keep me focused and helping to reduce pain as much as she could. They got my blood work and everything and took me to a delivery room. I pushed 5 times and my sweet baby was here at 11:27am on December 7th.I labored at home for 6 hours and it only took me a hour once I got to the hospital. It was all that I wanted and more but it was very excruciating pain! Very painful! But nevertheless she is here and she is a jewel. I am firm believer in the natural way. They wanted to send me home in 24 hours and had she not had jaundice then they would have. I was able to shower a hour after birth. It just was the best experience compared to my first labor experience. Just wanted to share my birth story! 😊