Dear Ex

I don't hate you. I never could. We had such a tight bond. It was you and I against the world for 3 years. Then everything changed because I left to be with someone else. I think I chose wrong. I dont feel my heart leap, the butterflies, or smile like I did with you. I miss your hugs, your kisses, and your cuddles. I know you're with someone new now and you'll never get to read this, but do you ever wonder about me? Like, the way I wonder about you? Do you still remember the sound of my voice and the taste of my lips? Because I remember that about you. I miss our crazy late night talks and our little stupid arguments. But... that's gone now. I hope you're doing well, and I hope you're happy. I hope one day our paths cross again and maybe we'll be able to try this whole you and I thing again. I miss you. You're still my heart, forever and always.


Your Ex