Rape alarms ?

Hey! So I’m a young girl , 21 and I work in a nightclub about 30 mins from my home. I have to get the night bus home after every shift about 2:30am alone and walk to my house.

I deal with loads of creepy men, you ladies know how men are especially drunk men ( not an excuse I know) . I get called names, harassed for my details, I’ve been grabbed and a man even shoved a £5 note down my T-shirt and told me to dance for him 😒

But last night got scary. I got followed from my workplace at 2:15am all the way through town, on the bus and to my house the guy was whistling the whole time so I knew he was following me. He followed me all the way to my street I live on but luckily my brother was awake I called him and he and ran straight out to meet me. This has happened before I’ve been followed home twice now.

This really made me realise like damn I’m a target. But in the UK the ONLY legal self defence is a rape alarm... no pepper spray, you cant fight if you are being physically attacked.. nothing really to defend yourself and being a 5’2 young girl who weighs 8 stone I wouldn’t do any damage to a fully grown man. So I NEED something to protect myself.

Anyone got a rape alarm and think they are good ideas? I need something to put my mind at ease.

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