16 year old w/ a 20 year old. Is it okay?

My husband and I had a brief discussion about age of consent. It seems like we have different POVs.

The topic came about when he asked me if a certain character was an adult. I said yes and he made the 😏 face. I then joked and said "nevermind, shes 16" just to mess with him. He said "that's okay, I know my statue of limitations" (he used the wrong term and he pointed that out).

Anyway, I said "Actually for age of consent to be valid, in most states is 16 and the person can't be 4 yrs older. Regardless, that's disgusting."

He asked "how is it disgusting? If the girl is 16 and looks like a woman/older and its legal then its fine."

Me: "I dont care if a 16 yr old girl is looking like shes 30 or 16 looking like she's 12. How can a grown ass man, who is 20, find a child attractive? If our baby girl (shes 3) ever brings a 20 yr old in my house when shes 16. Im kicking him out."

Husband: "That's great, make her want to see him more but without your knowledge. Thats really great."

Me: "A 16 yr old and 20 yr old are on different levels: mentally, physically, emotionally. Its like pedophilia."

Husband. "No, that's not pedophilia. So if shes 18 and has the age difference, is that the same?" Somehow we came up with another scenario of an 18 yr old with a 30 yr old.

Me: "No because she's an adult."

Husband: "Well youre being a hypocrite because they even have a greater age difference and on completely different paths."

I had to clarify at this point that at 18 she's an adult and most likely not going to be living with me. Emphasis on shes not a child. Would I want her to be with someone 12 yrs old, no. When he and I met I was 19 and he was 27 so I told him that now looking back as a 24 year old, it wasn't a wise choice to be with someone older. It caused so many problems. Its easy for teen girls to think they're so mature but theyre not.

Anyway, he doesn't see it as wrong but he wouldn't want that for our daughter. He would hope that our open conversations about sex and life would help her make the best decisions for her. I said that I was being dramatic with the whole kicking him out. Id honestly be so shocked that I would be speechless.

Im still a little irked though. How could anyone not see it as wrong for a 20 yr old to be with a 16 yr old? He has a history of being with young girls. I think he was 19 and with a 15/16 yr old girl. Her parents wanted to press rape charges but bc of age of consent he didn't get charged. I was shocked to hear that when we were first dating but me being 19 and thinking I fucking knew everything, I didnt think much till now that I have a daughter. He was 21 with an 17/18 yr old. Then another girl but I think she was maybe 2 or 3 yrs younger. Then me being 19 and 27.

I dont know. I know where I stand but what do you ladies think? Do you agree with the age of consent or disagree? Do you think its okay for a 16 yr old to be with a 20 yr old?

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