Lost item in my vag!

So super embarrassing! Went to my annual pap and doctor says “I see something white up there! Do you have a tampon in?” I’m like nope! I’m premenopausal so haven’t cycled since July! Doctor is like “Have you noticed any itching or a foul odor?” I’m like nope! But I had recently noticed my Ph appeared a little off. Doctor leaves the room to go get some additional tools at this point! I’m super confused. Comes back in and pulls out this little thing that looks like a tea bag. Doctor is like “What is this? Do you recognize it?” I can’t see it very good so am squinting. Doctor brings it closer and I’m like hahaha I do recognize that! It was my bladder tampon that I put in sometimes when I go to the gym so I don’t leak! Lol The doctor had never seen one! The string had gotten pushed up (probably during intercourse) and partner never noticed anything weird! Good grief I think it had been in there about a month! Be careful out there ladies!