TTC journey

Mama to Oscar • Mama to my beautiful boy 👶🏻

Hi all,

I am fairly new here, I am just 3 months into my TTC journey and already dreading those BFNs! I am nearly 26, i am fortunate that I’ve never had a pregnancy ‘scare’ as they say (I haven’t always purposely prevented it either). But nada! I always said I wanted to be in a specific place in life before ‘trying’ I have a lovely supportive partner, my own home and a great job! I am lucky and I feel it’s finally time (my fur babies need siblings lol).

The point I’m making is that this something I want soo much (realistically I have since I was a child) but so early in it’s already hard to deal with, I am already sad looking at pregnancy announcements, feeling discouraged waiting for that second line and worried it might never happen. Those ladies who have tried for much longer than me and keep going... you are inspirational!!!

Thank you for letting me know I’m not on my own and thank you for sharing your stories! I hope we can all support each other!!! 💫💫babydust to all💫💫