Weird cramps as an early symptom?

Okay, so we are trying but not trying to stress about it yet, if that makes sense. Last time I over stressed and it took a while to get prego.

Anyways, I remember cramping early after ovulation the cycle I got prego. I looked back at what I had tracked two years ago to be sure. But when I look at my other cycles I never cramp until right before my period. Needless to say; I’ve been cramping today, like twinging type cramping, not awful but noticeable, for a few hours now, and I’m just 4-5 days post ovulation (which is when I started cramping 2 years ago with baby #1). Could this be a sign? Or am I totally reaching? I don’t want to stress, but I’m kinda stressing! Lol 😬🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyways, is anyone else in the two week wait? Anyone else stressing over the tiniest symptom?