Low key bummed and upset at my hubby

Lisa • Proud Momma of my beautiful rainbow baby born oct 2019 ❤🌹❤🌹❤🌹 Step Momma to 2 boys and 1 girl.

So tonight was my company's holiday party and they invited me to go. I talked to my husband many times and we both agreed that I would go for a little bit while he watched the baby, so I let them know I'd be there. Well today comes, and its his day off but he went in to work this morning to get some stuff done, and he still isn't home. I called my husband earlier to remind him of the party and make sure he was coming home in time, then I called again when he didn't come home when he said he would, and he just said he had to have a talk with one of his employees. So I've texted my work and let them know I wont be making it. Im just so bummed because I low key was super looking forward to dressing up and going out, even if it was only for an hour or two, and my husband didn't even mention anything about me missing the party when we last talked. I got ready and everything, and now Im just feeling really defeated. Currently cuddling with my sleeping baby cause she makes me feel better. Sorry for the pitty party post, but as a new mom this is my go to place cause I know the mommas on here will understand. I don't have other new mom friends so they just can't relate and understand why it really sucks that I didn't get to go to a silly little party