Unsure what he did Monday night...

So father of my 10 month old and I’m 6 months pregnant... he has a history of lying and sneaking around...

Monday night I had the baby stay w my mom bc he had his daughter, so I figured I’d make it easy.

Well, when I saw him wed I had a weird feeling, so I glanced at his phone and he texted his friend at 10pm “I’m here” his friend said pulling in.

His friend is John, but his cousin is my boyfriends fuck buddy when he’s single.......

John is in town from Cali and I know she is in town too...

I asked him what he did the past few nights without the baby and he said nothing. I asked again.. he said Johns in town I’ll eventually see him this week. So I asked again.. he says I saw John mon I’m like what did you do he’s like we met up at tick rock bar to watch the Minnesota game... I said why was that so hard.. he flipped on me and yelled at me and walked away. I cried (hormonal) and he went to sleep 😡

Well, that bar is a 39 min drive and why would he meet at 10pm when he works at 5am and lie about it?? I doubt he did any of that....plus isn’t the game over by 10pm

So what the fuck did he do..