Induction Birth Story

October 20th at 9:00pm entered the most beautiful person I've ever met... My daughter! Sunday night I started having contractions every 4 to 6 minutes apart. I had a doctor's appointment and was due to be induced due to gestational diabetes that night anyways so my doctor had me admitted into the hospital around 2:30 that afternoon. They inserted cervidil around 7pm and my contractions got crazy intense. I should mention I was not dialated at all when checked at the doctor's office. At 7am they checked my cervix and I was 40 percent effaced and 1cm dialated. Not a lot had changed after 12 hours of intensely painful contractions. At 9am we decided to do a second round of cervidil, my contractions were worse. I began crying out in pain at pretty much every set of contractions. Since they believed the epidural would put us at risk of a c section, I took a shower to try and ease my pain. It helped a little but by the time I got out of the shower the baby's heart rate was 200! They were worried so they removed the cervidil early (rather than wait the 12 hours). When they checked my cervix they thought I was 100 percent effaced and dilated to 3cm. They didn't complete the exam since it was so painful. They went to call my doctor and I laid on the bed. My husband asked me a question and  when I paused to answer completely exhausted my water broke! I was thrilled. I demanded the epidural, but when the doctor checked me I was at 8cm and suddenly I felt ready to push. No time for the epidural. I started pushing and less than and hour later my 6 pound 15 ounce baby girl was born. She's beautiful! Although long, my induction was a success! Today is my due date, but I got to meet her 5 days early.