35 weeks and I’m seriously uncomfortable 😥

So on Christmas Day, I woke up feeling like I couldn’t sit down.? Standing up was uncomfortable too but it was whatever, during the day, I felt this super sharp pain on the pelvic area constantly!! I waited the next morning & my ob told me to go to labor and Delivery & they said I was dilated to a 1 & sent me home...

This is my second pregnancy.

Today, I’ve just been ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE. I can’t lay down, can’t sit at all & right now I’m awkwardly laying down (but kinda sitting up? ) 😂 idk but he keeps (I think what feels like) him jumping on my cervix. It’s like a rumble sorta (sorry it’s just hard to explain BARE WITH ME 😥) and it’s starting to feel like those sharp pains again...

What can I do to help? I’ve taken hot baths, more pillows, less pillow, relaxing , walking ... ugh !!! Sos