I had to let him go

Has anyone ever ended up back with their ex after many years?. I got with my ex very young 17. We have a 2 year old together. Broke up when I was 21. Ended on bad terms. But we always told each other we will have more kids and find each other again.

We both were young. Trying find ourselves and everything.

We finally got back cordial with each other as friends. Then his girl causes problems and they both get disrespectful towards me. I feel like he still wants me. He is with someone but I had to cut all ties with him even just as a bm. I do things thru his mom now. I'm focused on school and our happiness. If he gets him he does if he doesnt he doesnt.

But I just cant get over of what happend in the past. Sometimes I do think about what it will be like to raise my son with him. He does reach out to me sometimes but I end it real quick and tell him I dont want him or remind him you have a girl.

Because let's be honest a guy getting his son every other weekend isn't raising him. Just visitation. The girl has a little girl which is 6 and ours is 2 and he chooses them over my son all the time.

Which is no problem this is my son and hes mine. Just wish sometimes he would spend time with him instead of spending just one day with him and putting him off to his grandmoms. Hust hurtful.

He has even thrown In my face your raising him I'm not raising him. Okay I'm trying....

I'm not gonna lie I wish we could be a family. But instead I moved 9 hours away last week and filed for court papers. It hurts me. It hurts me that I have to leave the man that I created a family with. with someone he might create a family with and wanted to marry one day. I've moved on its life but its strange how u can be bestfriends with someone one day then the next your enemies.

Apart of me wished he would be like let's just work this our for our family.then the other part just wants a simply sorry for leaving u and my mom for someone else. It's hard being a single mom for sure.

He would still look on my pages and everything and keep up with me...so.i had to block him on everything besides text messages incase he wants his son...

Its hurtful ... and heartbreaking.

But I had to let him go...