Just need some prayer.

I don’t know if this is the right group to post in and I’m sorry if it is but I just need some prayer. I’m so nervous I’m going to lose this baby that I’m constantly thinking about it. I’m 4 weeks and 2 days have tested positive for a week but today (I know ladies stop testing) I woke up fmu and tested again (I’m shock I’m pregnant ttc for 5 months) and it’s so faint I could barely see it. It’s there but barely. I’m so scared I don’t know what to do. Should I stop worrying, should I go to the hospital and check myself in and see if they can help.. what do I do? That’s all I’m thinking about. I just need peace, tranquility and a bolder line. If everybody can please say a short or long simple prayer for peace and reassurance that would be amazing. I’m losing my mind and can’t handle another day of questioning.