My birth story (wanted it all natural and ended up with a c section)


It all started Sunday night, before Christmas. I went to bed, and woke up a couple times during the night. I had no idea why, I didn't have to use the bathroom or anything. So I went back to bed.. I finally woke up around 430 with contractions that came and went, very irregular and lasted about 30-45 seconds. When I woke up around 8 am they went away. Later that day around 4pm I laid down to take a nap (I was so tired from the night before) As soon as I laid down, BOOM they were back... they were way too uncomfortable for me to nap and stay laying down so I got up. iAds dinner and did stuff around the house and they came back around 6pm. By this time they were regular, and didn't go away with laying down or moving or walking around. So I knew it was starting 😊🎉

(This whole pregnancy I wanted to go natural, I read multiple books, read positive birth stories, saw hours of YouTube videos of natural births and memorized birth affirmations. I thought I was prepared!!)

My contractions were about 45 seconds every 10-12 minutes so I knew I was going to have a long night. I couldn't sit or lay down ( too uncomfortable) so I just stood a lot and walked around the house doing stuff. They eventually got to about 5-7 minutes apart, but still 45 seconds! This was around 4am and I called my midwives and she said to try to stick it out at home until there about a minute long. So I walked around the house more and tried to relax. I was in so much pain, I started throwing up, and I told my husband we need to go to the hospital. We got to the hospital at 7am. I was only 2 cm! They said they don't admit until the water breaks or until 4cm. They let me stay for an hour to see what my body was going to do. My contractions got to about a minute and 5minutes apart so they checked again and said I was 4! So they admitted me. Around 1pm i could not take the pain anymore!! I was in so much pain I asked for the epidural.. THANK GOD for that, I was still at 4cm and wanted to be relaxed so my body can open up for this baby and they broke my water to help with contractions. Hours go by, I went to a 7 and started to feel pressure, thy said baby should be here soon. A couple hours go by and they check me.

😞 they told me around 8pm my cervix felt swollen and they can't feel the baby's head and my cervix is not a 5. They said they'll give it more time, but I might have to have a c section.. this was devastating.

I started to developed really really bad cramps on my right side around 8pm also and it only got worse. And holy hell they came about every minute. They were so painful I had to lift my butt off the bed and have my husband dig his hands on my hip for a hip massage which really helped. Around 10 they came to check me again and my cervix was worse and I went to a 4. I was in so much pain and I started throwing up again I told them to get this baby out by c section NOW!!!!

At 1135 on 12-24 my baby boy was welcomed to the world.. I am so thankful and thank god how smooth every thing went💕 I'm just happy my son came into this world healthy and I'm healing from the c section very smoothly 😊