We're not expecting announcement ... Read description.

So .. we have children, we wanted more and everyone wants us to have more but unfortunately we can't. I have Endometriosis and my chances aren't looking good. I'm really struggling with pain and all that comes with it. We're ready to be done with this struggle to get pregnant ... We wanted to announce so we will stop being asked about "when will you have another"!! As it's painful to hear constantly. We don't want to go overboard ... Just a small announcement to those close to us saying something along the lines of "we have news to share ... We're not expecting" and explain that we are done having children. There are very few ideas online so let's hear some.

*If you have negative comments then keep scrolling past my post, keep them to yourselves. Yes I know I have been blessed to have children but I have went through surgeries and hormone therapy etc to have them. I can't handle doing that again. Thanks*

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Posted at
When people mention it, I would just say that you aren’t able to have more. It should stop the conversation pretty quickly. I don’t think a formal announcement is necessary.


Posted at
You could post a cute picture of your kids with shirts or holding signs with the youngest kid’s sign or shirt saying “baby of the family” and then as the announcement you could say “our kids’ positions are now permanent!” Or something like that. I think announcing you’re done having kids is a good idea especially if people ask you a lot and it’s hard for you to deal with.


Posted at
Honestly I think its a good idea. You could just share a family photo and a description in your post. Or you could do a letter board that says we're not pregnant or no bund in this oven. Have a look through pinterest and just put not infront of the cute pregnancy announcements. I didn't have my baby until I was 30 and my husband and I had been together 14 years people constantly asked about babies it was pretty annoying. I started telling people we weren't having kids so they woukd stop asking. I think its a nice light hearted way to say our family is complete stop bugging us!


Posted at
I think it’s too personal to post something like that and I would put my foot down with those closest to us so they know the line of questioning is not appreciated nor is it necessary since you’re done. Be stern, and make it clear it’s just an inappropriate question, I hate when people ask it, as far as I’m concerned they’re asking “so are you on birth control? And are you and your husband having regular sex?” Neither of which a random aunt or cousin would actually ask so I don’t see why they think it’s okay to ask if you plan to have more children.


Posted at
I think it’s a good idea. People often say things with the best intentions and kindness but it still touches a nerve. This way everyone will be informed and you will stop being hit left right and centre with questions about pregnancy! Best of luck. X


Posted at
We have 4 kids and can't have more because my last 2 births came with serious complications. Part of me wants more, but it just isn't safe at this point. A couple of people have asked if we are done and I just say yes (besides those very close to me, who know the details because I shared). I find this an odd thing to announce publicly. Do THAT many people really assume you are going to have more children? Many couples stop at 3 anyway. People were actually surprised when we decided to have a 4th.


Mommaof4 • Dec 29, 2019
if you really want to say something, maybe just post a family photo with the caption 'our family is complete' and leave it at that


Posted at
Honestly I don’t think it’s a good idea, if they ask just say “oh we’re not having anymore kids. No thanks” and if they ask why then tell them or if they ask when you’re having another just tell them “we can’t actually have anymore” and that will put a stop to them asking you.I feel like if you do an announcement that’ll be weird for that.


Posted at
I don’t know if it’s necessary, but if it will help your personal grieving process do it! Could do a photo that holds the phrase: “family complete: no longer taking applicants: all positions are filled” you can include a short note saying you have decided to focus on the family you have now and enjoy what is in front of you.