Getting our own place

So my boyfriend of 5+ years travels for work. He has his own camper and he’s gone a lot out of the year. I’m a stay at home mom. I would go with him but we have a daughter that has a few disabilities so she needs physical therapy every week. My daughter and I live with my mom 😑 I’m 23 years old and I feel like a loser for still living with my parents. I’ve asked my boyfriend if he could get us a place but he says he doesn’t want to because he doesn’t want to spend a lot of money for his rent for the camper plus the rent for an apartment or whatever and all of the other bills we have. He wants to save money for building a house in a few years. But I feel like we need our own place. My mom has even told me she’s ready for us to leave 😂 I don’t blame her though. What are you opinions about this? Please no hate..