First time mom, feed schedule?


Okay, I might sound sorta dumb but I’m just worried.

My pediatrician wants me to feed my baby every 2-3 hours, and around here and from what I’ve read online it seems as if that’s pretty standard & what youre told to do with most newborns.

Well, my son in a month old now and he is exclusively formula fed & he doesn’t WANT to eat every three hours. Is it okay for me to wait for longer? He usually gets hungry every five hours, but that scares me because they keep telling me to feed him every three.

Am I doing something wrong? I’m super worried I’m not feeding him right or something.

I will try feeding him every three hours and he will typically turn away from the bottle/show signs he clear doesn’t want it.

I’m just worried I’m gonna do something wrong & hurt my baby. My postpartum anxiety is crazy.