End of pregnancy

Danielle • Nurse 😷 • MC 1/26/19 👼🏼 • 🌈 👶🏼 1/12/2020👶🏼due 3/22/22

Why is the end of pregnancy so frustrating?! I was awake most of the night having regular contractions. Around 7am they started becoming 5 minutes apart. By 9am we went into labor and delivery. They checked me and I’m still only 2cm and 50% effaced, baby at -3 station. The midwife said she wanted me to have some IV fluids to see if I was just a little dehydrated. She said if I was, the contractions should ease up. I continued having contractions. After the fluids, she checked my cervix again and no change. They sent me home with 2 pain pills (that are ok for pregnancy) and that’s that 🤷🏼‍♀️