Lengthy read, but HELP ladies!


Ladies! based off of experience or just opinion I need some help. Yesterday around 11am I woke up & did my regular, around 1pm I started having the worst stomach pains imaginable it felt really tight, as if someone was wringing my stomach out but all the while I can still feel him moving around, my back felt completely numb & my vagina feels like it got heavier & heavier by the minute. My boyfriend called ems, & come to find out I am almost 2cm dilated & 50% effaced when they first checked me going in but my water has not broken nor did I have any contractions, just constant abdominal pain. They took an ultrasound & he is completely straight head down (that definitely explains the heaviness in my vagina), hours later my ob checked my cervix again & I did not dilate anymore, so she discharged me later that night & told me i have to come back tomorrow morning to check if I dilated more over the next 36hours. All of my family thinks they’re going to keep me tomorrow & he’ll be here very soon, my question is, I’m exactly 33 weeks today would they give me steroids to prevent him from coming or would they break my water if I have dilated some more? This is my first pregnancy so super nervous & in a lot of pain