Newborn & Marriage


FTM here and I am struggling bad I feel. I feel that my relationship with my husband has completely gone downhill. To be honest- I have been so stressed and overwhelmed that I snap and cause many fights between me and my husband. We are both sleep deprived. He is working his butt off at work to support us and im working my butt off to be the best mother I can be. I hate the way we talk to each other sometimes, I hate that I know our relationship isn’t the best right now 😭 My baby has all my attention, as he should. But I also feel like my marriage with my husband is also extremely important. How are we suppose to get through other things if we need to also work on our marriage.

Question is- how can I reconnect with my husband during this time of our lives? Will it get easier? How do we get through this?! How do you and your SO make time for each other? Intimacy is completely gone. Things just don’t feel right not good. I hope I’m not the only one. I truly need some advice over here! :/ I feel broken.