Ranting upset need help sorry...

Been with fiance seven years. Lived together five. He gaslights constantly. If the tiniest thing doesn't go his way, he orchestrates a fight and when i ask for an apology for anything he fights it and tries to dictate to me. He only ever apologizes for "how I see things" so that it's always my fault I am hurt and he never has a hand in any of it. Its worse than that here but I'm so tangled up and exhausted. It happened again today. I can't go into all of it. I am so upset. We're trying to plan our wedding and I don't know if I can do this anymore. I'm not close with any family he moved us away so I have no friends, haven't spoken to old ones in years. He makes it so I can't have a job where we are. He takes my food stamps. Its all screwed up. I can't get out. I hate this I'm so scared and upset. I can't do this anymore. I hate myself for ending up in this.