2 days late. Not a hint of a period. Still negative test🙄

I'm aggravated. I dont like not knowing somthing. Call it a control issue🤣🤷‍♀️

I noticed irregular symptoms for me after i ovulated this month, which told me that I needed to take a test. It was negative. No biggie. 2 days later. Same symptoms on top of more symptoms. Took a test. Negative. (This was a few days before my period). The day of my period comes. Not a feeling of my period in sight. Took a test. NEGATIVE.

Fast forward to 2 days late on my period, mood swings, discharge, soft high cervix, heavy boobs, prominent veins in my boobs arms feet hands, and sooo fatigued--FREAKING NEGATIVE AGAIN🤦‍♀️

Can someone just clarify that this really is negative and I'm not crazy--it's just my body apparently🙄