AF arrived and I burst into tears


3 months TTC- I’m 33 and he’s 36. I know I shouldn’t be disappointed, since the average length TTC before success is 6-12mo, but I got my period this morning and burst into tears. Most couples we know have either been successful immediately or it’s taken intervention or several years of trying to conceive, so I think somehow, my heart feels like if it doesn’t happen right away, we will have to wait years.

I’ve never had a history of reproductive issues - was on BC for years, but prior to that was extremely regular. I went right back to consistent cycles after coming off BC too. I work at a job in the nonprofit arts that has long hours and lots of emotional stress, but I’ve been trying to do yoga, unplug before bed and meditate to stop my brain from stressing. I also just got bloodwork as part of a routine physical, and my liver enzymes are abnormal so I have to see a GI doc. I’m a planner and an over-thinker. My logical brain knows that it’s perfectly normal to not be successful at TTC so fast, but my overthinking nature just worries about what’s wrong with me...

I guess I don’t really have a question so much as I’m looking for those who feel the same way and can relate...