My Ectopic Story


My husband and I were trying to conceive for 1 year and 3 months when we found out we were expecting December 10th. I have PCOS and had been on Femara since April and I was about to give up when I started lightly spotting and took a test expecting it to be negative like all the others but it wasn't. I made my first app and all was well it couldn't have come at a better time we had just found out my step son wasn't actually my husband's child and we had been turned down for fostering because of an arrest my husband got 9 years ago so everything was going to hell at this time and I was so depressed. About a week after my positive I started having sharp pains in my left ovary accompanied with some light bleeding so I called and asked to be seen sooner because I was worried about the baby so they were able to get me in at 11:30 on December 17. I get there and they do a pelvic exam nothing out of the ordinary so they had me take a pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy then took me back for an ultrasound. At this point I should've been 7 weeks and my due date was supposed to be August 3. This ultrasound tech was so rude and insensitive I couldn't believe how she treated me. It was a transvaginal ultrasound where they stick the wand inside you and she said atleast 15 times "there's no baby in here" "the uterus is empty". So of course I asked her did I lose the baby and she snaps at me saying not to ask her any questions. I couldn't help but start crying cause I didn't know what was going on. She finished and told me the reason I was having sharp pains in my left ovary was because I had 2 cysts over there and she told me it looked like I had just finished my period like me being pregnant was all in my head. The doctor comes in and she tells me either I'm having an ectopic pregnancy or I was wrong about when I conceived and it was too early to see baby via ultrasound so she wants me to get blood work done that day then come back 2 days later to see if my levels have doubled. So here comes the man to take my blood. He starts on my left arm and sticks this big needle in and starts twisting it around in my arm then proceeds to pull out the needle and shove it back in my arm to no avail. He then looks at my right arm throws his hands up and says "I can't do this" and walks out of the room. I was in shock. My doctor then tells me to go to the hospital for the bloodwork which went smoothly. 2 days later more bloodwork then back to the doctor. It was confirmed December 19 that it was ectopic and they wanted to send me for surgery that day but the surgeon recommended the shot methotrexate instead. I was given that injection December 19 at 3:38pm. Went back to the doctor on the 26th and they said my levels seem to be going down appropriately. Still have lots more bloodwork to do and I go back to doctor January 9th. Sorry for the long post I just needed to get it all out