Parenting struggles 😞

Ashley • Due 11/29/19, Born 12/5/19 💙

So I am a FTM and my fiancé is also a FTD. My fiancé and I have been really arguing a lot lately. He thinks I should let our son cry it out and let him sit in the swing/bassinet instead of rushing to him or always holding him. I am completely opposite, I love holding him, snuggles, and I hate hearing him cry so I always want to help soothe him before he really works himself up. My fiancé thinks that if I “spoil” our son too much he is always going to rely on me. Especially since I exclusively breast feed, our son really does rely on me.

How do you other mommas do this? I just feel completely alone in this and always end up crying and feeling like a horrible “soon to be wife” or bad mom. No matter what I can never win.