How did you survive the witching hour?

Kaitlyn • Married, 26, 👶🫄

My baby is a really really good baby. She's a good sleeper, eater, pooper. She's not a crier normally either. The past couple weeks she's been fussy in the evenings, but the past couple days She's been almost inconsolable. I go from nursing to a pacifier to rocking to skin to skin to swaddling and cuddling back to nursing again. Nothing satisfies her for more than a few minutes. Last night she just wore herself out and finally went to sleep around 11 (fussing started around 7). I've read about witching hour and this really seems like it. How did you get through it? Is there anything you did that just helped tremendously? My husband isn't much help since he has to be up at 5 to get to work. So it's just me and the baby until she finally tires out after several hours of restlessness and fussing.