Abusive family member

My aunt is very religious, like to the point where she speaks in tongue and believes that she has the ability to tell good from evil. For example, she prays for people and if she prays in an evil voice then that person has been doing “bad things.” I try not to pay attention to her and to keep my distance because she is constantly telling me how the devil is within me and that I’m not a good person. She says I cause her evil voice and that I need to start living my life right. I’m 24 and live with my grandparents while I’m in graduate school, and when she visits I stay in my bedroom or leave because it always ends up with me crying and being terrified of her beliefs about me. I’m a social worker and a training to be a therapist, so I recognize abuse when I see it and I truly believe that her behavior toward me in abusive. The problem is that our entire family listens to her and now believes that there is something wrong with me. I just don’t understand what I’m doing that is so terrible. I am very close with my family and do everything I can to help out anybody, I graduated college and am now in grad school. I have a huge heart and feel like I’m living my life in a good way. Her main reasons are because I’ve had sex before marriage and because I’m not in church every single Sunday (I try to go a couple of times a month), and those are the only things she can say about me when I beg her to tell me what is wrong with me. I just don’t know what to do anymore. She makes me want to stop attending family functions and cut off contact with her completely, but I love my family too much to stop seeing them just because she’s around. Has anybody else ever dealt with this type of situation or family member?