I just need some encouragement


Don’t even know where to start-

Well our family traveled out of state for the holidays back to my husbands hometown everything was going great. Up until Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> we got together at his grandparents house, I didn’t know his grandma was super sick. You know they’re little old people and always crank up their heater super high it felt like a sauna in there. I was upset that I wasn’t told she was super sick with runny nose, cough, body aches, watering eyes etc. Not to be rude or anything I love them dearly but I just felt like I wanted to get out of there. We didn’t stay too long about 3 hours or so.. in my mind I just kept thinking I really hope none of my kids get sick. I have a 6yr old boy a 2yr old girl and my October babygirl who is 12 weeks now.

Then Christmas morning comes everyone is okay so I was thinking phew we’re not sick. Wrong! My father in law was starting to get terrible body aches and high fever late that night. The next morning he was so sick he was rushed to urgent care and was diagnosed with the flu type A and B. He got home and slept all day he just looked miserable. My mother in law started disinfecting everything possible while also trying to take care of him. Plus she got sick also. My husband started getting a dry cough that day but didn’t think much of it until bedtime came around he was just coughing nonstop. At this point I was pretty annoyed I couldn’t sleep that night and having to tell him to stop coughing because he was gonna wake up the baby. Next morning comes and he starts with body aches chills and a fever. Cmon! My sister-in-law then tells me she has the same! My god at this point i just wanted to jump in the car and drive back home to Colorado!

I then ran to Walgreens and bought everything possible to try to prevent my kids from catching this! Dear lord my 6 yr old and 2 yr old started showing symptoms yesterday I quickly gave them Motrin to lower their fevers and I started isolating my 12 week old in my room by herself with me. This morning their fevers were so bad we had to rush them to the pediatric emergency at the hospital. I quickly called my mom (she lives here in NM too) and prepared all the babies things to send her with her. We get to the hospital and every poor kiddo in there had fever and cough it was so overwhelming.

My husband was feeling so bad he had to get up and leave, his body aches and chills came back while sitting there in the waiting room. I finally got attended and they end up telling us the kids had the same flu type A and B. I felt so overwhelmed now I have to watch the kids and make sure they’re okay and hoping they don’t give it to the baby. I ended up telling my mom to just let the baby spend the night at her house, I’m so upset I just want to cry.

I got home from the hospital gave the kids meds for their fever and constantly watching over them. Everyone is sleeping in separate rooms. So far me and the baby have not caught this. I have been attending the kids and my husband while also trying to clean everything and wash dishes pick up the kitchen and living rooms since everyone is horribly sick. I’m so tired.

Im by myself in bed I can’t sleep even though I am over exhausted. I have the baby monitor on my 2 yr old I’m sitting here watching her and pumping as I post I was getting super engorged from not feeding the baby. It’s not like we can just get up and go back home. I know this will pass but I am just going through a tough time mentally and physically. I’m exhausted. Thanks for reading so sorry it was long.. 😔