100% medication free birth at 19 y/o ❤️


let me start by sayin when i was in labor with my first son i was 17 and didn’t want the epidural, something went wrong with a different pain med and i ended up asking for it, well i was at a 10 and they didn’t check me so needless to say i felt my whole delivery and have been feeling the back pain for almost two years now , so once i got pregnant this time around i told myself i will be laboring at home until i cant take the pain and then i will go in with hopes i can have a natural birth, well yesterday i had irregular contractions all day, i live with my dad and step mom so they were my ride, i stuck it out until a little after midnight when i woke them up from moaning and groaning in pain and they told me we can leave when i’m ready since they knew my plan of laboring at home, we left around 12:45 and i screamed just about the entire 30 min drive as my step mom dove 90 mph lol!! so we get to the hospital and everyone’s trying to ask me questions and i just couldn’t answer, thy bring me back to check me and say i’m 9 cm!!!!! i couldn’t believe i had made it that far, not even a half hour in the hospital and i yelled I NEED TO PUSH NOW, so was checked again and my delivery nurse said yup and started getting herself dressed and what not, my son was out in ONE push at 1:54 am 12/30, 1 stitch and i am feeling amazing right now, we can do anything we put our minds to it just takes some support, squeezing and lovely nurses, that’s basically my natural labor story!!!!! and i wish a happy and healthy delivery to all my mamas due or past due right now ❤️❤️