Baby straining to poop

Kaitlyn • Married, 26, 👶🫄

My baby is 3 weeks 5 days old and really seems like she has a hard time pooping. She's EBF with an occasional bottle of expressed milk (once a day or less). She went an entire day this week without pooping which I heard can be normal for BF babies, but she normally poops 5-7 times a day, pretty much after every feeding. She has started getting really red-faced and grunting really loud like she's straining to poop. And when she does poop it's either a lot or just a little poop streak. She filled 4 diapers in under 2 hours yesterday. I know newborn breastfed babies can either poop once a week or 10 times a day but is it normal for them to have to strain to poop? She'll spend 10 minutes straining trying to poop. It's a normal consistency for BF babies as well, yellow and runny.