I'm crying.

I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow. I've been telling my dr I want to induce before my older ones go back to school. He wont induce until 39. We've been talking about this since halloween. So then today he checks me. I'm at a 1. That's it. I've been at a one for 3 weeks. He proceeds to tell me that L&D is fully booked for inductions for the next few days. Guys my kids go back to school on my due date. On the 7th. I have no one to watch them. I have family in town now for the holidays that are here to help. When they leave idk what I'm gonna do with my older ones. The nurse is supposed to call me today to give me a date to induce. I'm literally crying. This boy has me in so much pain. Youd think him being my 3rd I'd progress faster. But no. He wants to be stubborn like his father. Who also is anxious to have a date so he can take off work. I'm just flustered. I've been patiently waiting all this time for my son after 2 daughters. Everything is ready. We even deep cleaned last night. Went walking around the mall and Costco. Had sex. Ate pineapple. Drank raspberry leaf tea. About to pull out my breast pump for some nipple stimulation. I gotta do something.

Just venting while crying. 😭😫🤰🤱